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PrairieBible Camp

JUNE 11-14, 2024

Come make new friends and reconnect with old ones as we develop a closer walk with Jesus together

Click the button to view our Registration Form

Please fill in the editable PDF form and email
it to​
print the registration form and mail it to
3510 98th St. SE Venturia, ND 58413
No later than June 3th

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11-14, 2024


Prairie Bible Camp 

(one mile east of Lehr, ND)

Prairie Bible Camp,

where friendships are made

that last a lifetime and beyond.

Our Theme this year is!




To help kids build good friendships that will last a lifetime and beyond. Not just with each other, but most importantly, with our best friend Jesus! 



June 11th 2:00pm

Camp Evening Meetings
Tuesday-Sunday, June 11-16, 2024 at 7:00pm

Camper Pickup

Friday, June 14 @ 8:30pm Following meeting and camp program

How to Get there

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Camp Costs?
A suggested donation of $100

Campers age 8-18 are welcome!

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Why is Prairie Bible Camp Important? 

In a world filled with so many compromising allurements and enticing evils, we believe it is so important to provide opportunities for kids to enjoy good and healthy fun, friends and nature while in an environment that supports and teaches spiritual growth! Prairie Bible Camp offers all of this and so much more! Come to camp and build friendships that last a life time, not just with friends, but also with our friend Jesus!




We'd love to hear from you

Text or Call

701-731-0180 or 701-731-0179

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