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The Lehr Tabernacle was built in 1921 by a community who wanted to make sure God stayed a main focus in their lives, and the generations to come. They worked together as fellow believers pouring sweat, tears and many hours of hard labor into building our beloved Tabernacle. We are so excited to now share in the worship and fellowship once again as we celebrate the Tabernacle's 100th year centennial!

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"I was saved at Lehr Camp in 1942 under the ministry of Reverend Arnold Marzolf."

Elder Erbele

"I only want to say that I can think of no institution that has influenced my life more since 1941 than the Lehr Tabernacle.

Prof. Arnold H Marzolf

"Camp didn't have any fancy attractions and yet I can remember the song, 'this is holy ground, we're standing on holy ground where the Lord is present, and where God is, is holy ground.'"

Courtney (Rudolph) Steffenson

"To look at the all the names on the wall lifts my spirits and makes me thankful to God."

Melita Hildahl

I always liked the singing and the preaching, they preached until they were done. 

Harry Ruff

My fondest memory of meetings at the Tabernacle is June of 1960 when I was 9 years old and met Jesus at teh alter.

I pray that God will continue to bless this amazing place and the work of evangelism that continues.

Evangelist Wes Putnam


"I was saved at Lehr Camp in 1942 under the ministry of Reverend Arnold Marzolf."

Elder Erbele

"I only want to say that I can think of no institution that has influenced my life more since 1941 than the Lehr Tabernacle.

Prof. Arnold H Marzolf

"Camp didn't have any fancy attractions and yet I can remember the song, 'this is holy ground, we're standing on holy ground where the Lord is present, and where God is, is holy ground.'"

Courtney (Rudolph) Steffenson

"To look at the all the names on the wall lifts my spirits and makes me thankful to God."

Melita Hildahl

I always liked the singing and the preaching, they preached until they were done. 

Harry Ruff

My fondest memory of meetings at the Tabernacle is June of 1960 when I was 9 years old and met Jesus at teh alter.

LuAnn Reich

Friday (June 18)

7:00pm Kid's Camp program

7:30pm Preacher's Daughters leading evening worship 

8:00pm Pastor DeVern Schwenn sharing the gospel message


Wissmann Family

Our heart's desire is to honor the Lord by serving Him together as a family through proclaiming His great plan of salvation through song and testimony. It is our hope and prayer to see lost souls come to trust Christ as well as Christians encouraged in the Lord. â€‹


Waddington Family

The Waddington brothers are a versatile acoustic group with a musical style that ranges from traditional hard driving bluegrass to the mellow sound and dynamic western harmonies reminiscent of Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers. 

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the Preacher's Daughters

Your hearts will be touched and souls uplifted as this powerhouse vocal duo brings you the rich heritage of great hymns of the faith. Amanda and Korissa feel called to keep the hymns alive in a fresh and new way-connecting all generations and pointing them to Christ through song.

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The Needhams

A rich history of family harmony and their personal faith in Jesus Christ have brought the Needhams to where they are today. Ultimately, it is their goal to glorify God, encourage fellow believers and share the gospel. 

Saturday (June 19) Music on the grounds 

Sunday ( June 20) 

10:00 am Morning worship service 

11:00 am Message by Charles Gray

12:00 pm Potluck in Dining Hall (bring a dish)

1:30 pm Songs, Fellowship, Testimonies and History Walk

5:00 pm Strudel Supper 

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